Why worry about attendance? - Should I?
Did you know?
Most children with higher attendance achieve higher levels than those with lower attendance.
Most children with high attendance make better progress than children with lower attendance.
Obvious facts really...I'm sure you'd agree.
So...do you want your child to do well in school so that they can do well as young adults in the future? Obvious answer, because you care for your child is YES!
How many days has your child been off school and lost hours of learning?
1 day = 5 1/2 hours
2 days = 11 hours
3 days = 16 1/2 hours
4 days = 22 hours
5 days (one week) = 27 1/2 hours
If you receive a letter very soon, this is because your child's attendance is below 90% and they have had at least 10 days off school, and we are only half way through the year. This means that they have lost a considerable amount of learning time and we are worried about your child's educational progress to achieve expected levels for their age. Children who have attendance below 90% at this moment in time have lost 55 hours of learning! You may need to consider how your child will 'catch up'. If you need advice on this please let us know. School intervention programs that are now in place will require a commitment to good attendance.
We will be sending out your child's current attendance in the next few days so you can consider the above information in relation to how this is affecting your child's education and learning. If you need to discuss it further please let us know.